Spring Green Art
June 29-30, 2013
Krasl Art Fair
July 13-14, 2013
Kohler Arts Festival
July 20-21, 2013
Sculptures and Murals.
Art can bring the beauty of nature inside.
Photo by Tracy Toogood
Wood Stork
Is the stork really bald-headed?
The wood stork is on the endangered list.
Birders find wood storks at Harris Neck!
The Inspired Artists
Muralist, Robin Puckett celebrates with Kim!
Ready To Hang A Bird Sculpture!
Holding An Eagle Up High
Photo by Tracy Toogood
The Eagle Flies!
A Big Alligator On The Shore
Moss Above Wildlife Drive
Eagle Head After Detail Work
Kim was thrilled to be commissioned
for an art installation to be part of the
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge's
new Visitor Center.
She created 13 lifesize sculptures
representing 11 local species to hang
high above the visitors' heads.
Kim and muralist Robin Puckett took
up the challenge to create sculpture
and wall art for the 40 foot tower at
the entryway to the center.
Pileated WoodPecker
A pileated sculpture flying from a dead tree.
The Motivated Crew
No flashy dressers in this group.
Just dedicated Naturalists!
Front Row: Monica Harris, Pete Range,
Christine Fox, Kim
Back Row: Vic Scott, Dennis Williams
Birds In "Sculpture Workroom"
Photo by Tracy Toogood
Scissor Lift High In The Room
Is anybody up there?
Photo by Tracy Toogood
Someone Enjoys Her Work!
Photo by Tracy Toogood
Pete Range And Kim Work On Ceiling
Many Thanks to the extremely talented
and generous Tracy Toogood for the
beautiful photos as credited above.
As usual, after working on art projects
Kim likes to explore the outdoors.
And the Savannah Refuge has much
to experience and enjoy.
Savannah NWR is an integral part of the
Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex.
Established in 1927 and emcompassing
29,175 Acres, this treasure should be a
"must see" on any birder's to-do list.
Gathering of Ibis At Harris Neck
The eagle and the wood stork took up
most of the bench area.
Sculpture On Workbench
Kim Painting Fine Detail
All uncredited photos by:
Kim and Rob Russell